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Night Shift

Night Shift

Luke 5:1-11

February 7, 2010

Every Christian disciple knows the discouragement of working hard and having little to show for the effort.  However, discipleship is not our acceptance of a "to do" list.  It is our submission to follow Christ and live by a new covenant.  It is God's work to change the world.

Night Shift


A Still More Excellent Way

A Still More Excellent Way

1 Corinthians 13

January 31, 2010

Paul's familiar and eloquent description of love must be seen in the context of his description of the Body of Christ laid out in chapter 12. This is love that undergirds everything we do.  To get at this message I tell a story about the night I learned that love is very patient.

Patient Love


Body Building

Body Building

January 24, 2010

1 Corinthians 12:12-31

Using the image of the body made of many members all working for the same purpose, Paul pleads with us that Christian disciples work together for God's purpose in the world.  We should appreciate and respect that we have been given different pieces of the work.  It is all for the strengthening of the community of faith and its mission.

Body Building


Unleashing A Spirit of Joy

Unleashing A Spirit of Joy

Luke 1:46b-55

Forth Sunday of Advent 2009

Christmas calls us to look beyond the troubles of the moment and embrace God's abundant beauty and peace.  No matter how troubled a life may be, God can use us to bring salvation and peace into the world.

Unleashing A Spirit of Joy


The Importance of a Comma

The Importance of a Comma

December 6, 2009

Luke 3:1-6

Luke and Mark misquote Isaiah 40 when the say, "The voice of one crying in the wilderness: prepare the way of the Lord."  Isaiah actually says, "A voice cries:  In the wilderness, prepare the way of the Lord."  The difference is subtle but important.  Wilderness is not the exception in human experience.  Rather, it is the norm.  The challenge for Christian disciples is to make the way of God real in the wilderness of human experience.

The Importance of a Comma